Guanto dalla vestibilità estremamente precurvata e confortevole senza cuciture sui polpastrelli Regolazione del polsino Rinforzo in gomma sulle dita Guanti touchscreen Dorso della mano in tessuto elasticizzato Palmo in Nanofront® Rinforzo esterno in pelle sintetica antistrappo e antiabrasione, imbottitura 3 mm e rinforzo interno antistrappo e antiabrasione. COMPONENTI: 70% Poliestere, 20% Poliuretano, 10% Nylon GUANTI CERTIFICATI EN 13594:2015.
LIST PRICE: €59.00
Glove with an extremely pre-curved and comfortable fit without seams on the fingertips Cuff adjustment Rubber reinforcement on the fingers Touchscreen gloves Back of the hand in stretch fabric Palm in Nanofront® External reinforcement in tear-proof and abrasion-proof synthetic leather, 3 mm padding and internal tear-proof and abrasion-proof reinforcement. COMPONENTS: 70% Polyester, 20% Polyurethane, 10% Nylon EN 13594:2015 CERTIFIED GLOVES.
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SKU: 607677MGL
€59.00 Regular Price
€25.00Sale Price
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